Localvores - Day Seven
I love Sundays. Building a self-sustaining lifestyle while having to do 'off farm' work is a triple full time job. I admit I get caught up in my to do lists and become overwhelmed by having to assign priorities to a few tasks when 10 need immediate attention. As a rule, I place an intention to rest and reflect for a few hours on Sundays. During this, the last day of our spring locavore project, I defrost a Rennsli Farm-grown chicken and pop it in the oven, garnished with the last potatoes, carrots and beets from our root cellar. I curl up on the couch with one of my german shepherds, and I reflect on questions/goals for our future:
How can we balance consumption with production here on Rennsli Farm so our frozen, canned and dried meat and produce carry us through Vermont winter and spring (mud season) ?
How great would it be if a small community of like-minded individuals grew specialty items that can then be traded throughout the year?
Would a consolidated, e-commerce web site that allows consumers to search for products within a self-selected radius from their home zip code be viable (an Etsy for farmers)?
Statistically, what effect would we have on climate change if all consumers in the US purchased 25% of their food choices locally?
How can lessons in localvorism change our children's futures?
I know my daughters' have learned to think differently about their food source...... while I have deepened my commitment to our dream of truly being self-sustaining (as best we can) in a financially driven world.
Please send your thoughts to rennsliproject@gmail.com